All You Need To Know About Double Cleansing + How To Cleanse Effectively

All You Need To Know About Double Cleansing + How To Cleanse Effectively

Back in the day, you probably believed that using only soap and water on your face was enough for your cleansing routine, but in recent times, it has proved not to be enough as you will need more than soap and water to cleanse your face and skin. 

Nowadays, to ensure that all the impurities, dirt and even makeup on your face are no more, you have to include carrying out double cleansing as part of your daily skincare routine. 

If you are a bit confused on why you should wash and cleanse twice, keep reading as we break it down as simply as possible.  

First, let’s start with explaining the term “ double cleansing”. 

What is Double Cleansing? 

As the name implies, double cleansing involves cleansing your face twice, with an oil-based cleanser and a water-based cleanser. The essence of the process is to ensure that all the impurities and grime on your face are no longer present. 

Why Should You Incorporate Double Cleansing in Your Skincare Routine? 

Some skincare devotees might ask their inner self, “ why double cleansing?’. 

Double cleansing should be part of your skincare routine because some of the makeup and sunscreen you wear cannot be removed by cleansing your face once. 

Remember that if you fail to remove your makeup and sunscreen thoroughly, it can cause clogging of your pores resulting in a breakout. And not removing them well would only damage your skin barrier and lead to premature ageing. 

It is important to start carrying out double cleansing practices to avoid experiencing these skin conditions. 

What are the Basic Steps of Double Cleansing? 

We understand that not every skincare devotee knows how or the steps involved in practicing an effective double cleansing process. In this section, we will simplify the basic steps of double cleansing, but before that, there are two vital skincare products that you will need for the process, and they are; an oil-based cleanser & a water-based cleanser. 

Here are the basic steps that will guide you on how to carry out your double cleansing process the right way;

Step 1 

This step involves using an oil-based cleanser, and all you need to do is to get a cotton wipe, put some of the oil-based cleansers on it and use it to wipe your face. The role of the oil-based cleanser is to help break down the bond that keeps the dirt and impurities stuck in your pores and melt them away. 

Step 2 

Once you are through with the first step, it is time to use your water-based cleanser to remove any leftover impurities, including washing off the oil from the oil-based cleanser. 

All you need to do here is get an excellent oil-based cleanser like the prime the glow (gentle cleanser) from Nashé beauty. Then, dispense a little of it on your hand, apply it on your wet face to form a lather and finally rinse it off with warm water. Then going  with any water based cleanser of your choice.

With these two steps, you can see that the double cleansing process is not a big deal. It is easy to carry out, and when done the right way, it is also effective. At Nashé beauty, we urge you to give your face the natural glow it deserves by properly taking care of it through the double cleansing process. And to contribute to the smooth execution of the process, our prime the glow (gentle cleanser) is here and available at our Nashé beauty store to assist you.

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